Saturday, November 9, 2013

Not So Church Fine Arts Tour

Not So Church Fine Arts Tour

One of the things that inspired me were video games and their use of sound. Many video games such as Call of Duty uses sound to create a world where the user can tell whether something is to the left or right of a person or if it was far away or close by. One of the things that inspired me was the Oculus Rift and the ability to make a player first person in virtual reality. I was inspired by the idea to put someone in a virtual world with just the use of sound. In a sense, making the user feel like as if the real world is the virtual world. One of the games that I was inspired for this audio was a game for the Oculus Rift called Lost in the Rift. The game is a first person horror game where you have to find a girl. The game ends up taking you to a tunnel where you travel deeper and deeper in maze like hallways as you try to find her. The game uses sounds such as ominous winds blowing and creaking doors that create a creepy vibe that makes you tense up as you force yourself to make another step. It also uses sounds of the character's loud breathing and staggered steps to heighten the tension of the game. I wanted to create that same creepy vibe and incorporate it into a tour. I used the sounds of the game as a reference for my audio to create that same kind of tension and vibe the game provides as you follow the ghostly tour guide around the Church Fine Arts Building making the listener the main character in this real life virtual tour.