Sunday, September 30, 2012

Video Art II questions

1. In the very beginning of the reading it talks about why advertising isn't considered video art. The reason being is that advertisements have a purpose in trying to sell something to the audience while video art is done just for the artists personal reasons. The reading also compares video art to traditional media several times and there are some traditional media posters that are still considered art even though they are a type of advertisement. So what makes advertisements in traditional media such as posters considered art more than the advertisements made by video?

 2. I've realized that many of if not most of the video art done is very abstract. Not only the images but also sound. But I wonder, what makes a good video art? What makes one video art piece stand out more than the other? Are most of the successful video art abstract?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

See animation with audio

This is my first time putting audio with an animation. It was hard to figure out what sounds would go with it. I experimented a lot with using the mic and editing the audio in Garageband such as the panda and tank noises.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

See animation

I animated "See" showing how the panda first started off as this gentle creature following the ways of Confucius' proverb. As the animation progresses the sun goes down along with Confucius symbolizing how we let go of his teachings and we start becoming curious and letting ourselves being cluttered with all this stuff. Then finally we just allow ourselves to be just consumed by seeing violence and being okay with mature rated things.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Critcal Thinking Questions

1. In paragraph VII, Benjamin talks about the confusion between the artistic value of painting vs photography. He mentions photography has been under question whether or not it is a form of art and whether it is photography that actually changed the entire nature of art. Since photography and film is still new, would past art such as paintings be valued less than what film and photography would be worth centuries from now? Do we value photography and film more even in today's time?

2. In paragraph XI, Benjamin asks the questions "How does a cameraman compare with the painter?" He compares them with a magician and a surgeon as polar opposites and how a magician works more distant where a surgeon works more direct. It is true that both the painter and cameraman will come up with two totally different pictures because of the way they work, however, wouldn't they still be considered the same in that they both want to achieve some sort of reality, such as both the magician and the surgeon both work to heal the sick?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Project 1: See, Hear, Speak


Statement: This piece was inspired by the short proverb, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," from the 3 wise monkeys. Using images from several books, a D. Gray Man manga novel, videogame magazines, and images from pulled from Google, I put together this triptych that called "See, Speak, Hear."

This piece illustrates our generation and what we see, hear and speak of things now a days. The panda is meant symbolize our nature, which is much more relaxed. We are constantly surrounded and influenced by so many things to keep us entertained such as social media, movies, music, the internet, and our ever evolving technology that it is what we make of as life. It's all we really focus on that we don't realize the other things in life outside the computer or television screen in front of us.