Statement: This piece was inspired by the short proverb, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," from the 3 wise monkeys. Using images from several books, a D. Gray Man manga novel, videogame magazines, and images from pulled from Google, I put together this triptych that called "See, Speak, Hear."
This piece illustrates our generation and what we see, hear and speak of things now a days. The panda is meant symbolize our nature, which is much more relaxed. We are constantly surrounded and influenced by so many things to keep us entertained such as social media, movies, music, the internet, and our ever evolving technology that it is what we make of as life. It's all we really focus on that we don't realize the other things in life outside the computer or television screen in front of us.
I enjoy the inclusion of the 'three senses' across 'three panels' concept! Thinking with what material you have will get you everywhere! Though I must admit I find the compositions in general a tad bit cluttered. While your artist statement alludes to the idea of media saturation, aesthetically to get the idea across you might consider ways in which to make it obvious. Upon entering sight of these images I did not recognize the "see.hear.speak" immediately. Even in chaos there is a clear directive! Off the cusp, I feel as though the panda could have been changed more between the three frames as well. There are certain details which come through pleasantly however, such as the "rated M" near the "speak" in panel 3! Think very carefully when composing complex images what certain images next to each other might entail!