Sunday, October 14, 2012

Video Art project

 The 2 videos I chose are:

The Collapse of the Expanding Field I-III by Alex Hubbard (2007)
I chose this video because how they took something that was already beautiful (the flowers) and they cut them up and destroyed everything but what came out in the end was art. To me, it was the beauty of destruction that created an art piece and that is why I like this video.


How I Became a Ramblin' Man by Richard Graham (1997)
I really like the concept behind this video. It is about a wandering cowboy that has been traveling around with his horse and he would stop and sing in the middle of no where.  It is like the saying "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" The man is talented at singing and playing the guitar but no one can hear him. His talent is pretty much oblivious to the world.

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